General Jumpchain Thread the 13th RP (2024)



Hero of the Realms (+200cp) (1200)


Nautiloid In Hell (Scenario, Mandatory) - You wake up in a malfunctioning mindflayer pod on a nautiloid vessel, soaring through the skies of Avernus, First of the Nine Hells of Baator. Bad news first (as if that wasn't enough), the ship is under the assault of both Zariel's and Vlaakith's forces, and it will soon crash into the fiery landscape of Avernus. Good news is that you'll soon find survivors of the crash and together you might have chance to persevere. You and your companions will have a fiat-backed way to survive the inevitable crash landing of the ship, as long as you reach the transponder and shift into material plane.


Extended Stay x2 (+100cp) (1300) - Not wanting your adventure to end so soon? You can extend your stay in the Realms by 10 years.

No Meta-Gaming (+300cp) (1600) - Your knowledge about the setting and the plot of BG3 are completely wiped out except your background memories.

Lore-Friendly (+300cp) (1900) - All of your out of jump abilities, items, perks and even your warehouse becomes inaccessible for this jump.

Lone Wolf (+200cp) (2100) - You cannot import your existing companions to this jump nor create new ones from scratch. Your companions cannot accompany you into this jump's world and are stuck in your warehouse in stasis. All in setting characters or origin companions are game though.


Githyanki (free)


Monk - You are able to tap into your inner ki, and with this your body itself has become your weapon. When channeling your ki, few can match your combat prowess, defense ability, speed, deftness and subtlety. Be careful of how you spend your ki reserves though, your prowess drops heavily without access to it.


Outsider - Your place of birth is far from anywhere within the Sword Coast, making you a stranger to these lands. You may have been an exile from Thay, running from court intrigues? Or perhaps you grew up in the jungles of Chult, molded endured its tropical atmosphere? You may even hail from different planes of existence like the githyanki of the astral plane or eladrin of the feywild. No matter who you are or where you hail from, you'll have some difficulties adapting to culture and custom of these lands.


True Soul (free) - You are the unfortunate victim of a rather unwelcome insertion near your ocular area. To be frank, you have an illithid tadpole lodged in your brain. Normally this thing will turn to a mindflayer within seven days of insertion with a gruesome process that is called ceremorphosis. But this one seems different somehow, even stranger than the modified ones put in the main crews' heads.

Your tadpole has been placed in a full stasis and nothing short of a point-blank psychic command wave from an elder brain boosted by a netherese artifact of untold power could cause it to trigger the process of ceremorphosis. But I assume you'll be careful to not go near that one… right? Your tadpole has all of the abilities of modified tadpoles that true souls have. You can identify other true souls and establish psychic connections with them, and even delve into their memories with some effort. You can control those of weaker will that follow the Absolute with your authority. All mindflayer technology can be interacted via your tadpole. But these abilities cannot be spammed or used continuously (at most couple times a day), otherwise you'll experience debilitating headaches.

Oh, and if you are worried about any cultists or mindflayers delving into your memories and uncovering the truth about the jumpchain or your meta-knowledge, worry not! We got you covered. Jumpchain or any meta-knowledge you possess about the setting cannot be revealed by any attempts made by supernatural methods as long as you possess this special tadpole. If the Absolute is defeated or your 10 years of time is up, you lose this perk permanently as the tadpole shrieks and withers within your brain.

Slavov OST (free) - You may choose to have epic of soundtracks that will accompany your adventures, all composed by a specific artist that works for Larian Studios. This music isn't distracting in any shape or form, and you can make it so that others can hear it too. During battle it will change into tone depending on the situation.

A True Adventurer (free) - Your physical and mental abilities will increase in level (if they are not already higher) to match the level of average beginner adventurers of your chosen class. Affected stats are strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom and charisma. So, a wizard may find herself smarter, while a barbarian may find himself stronger and so on. Your non-primary stats will get a slight increase as well, being a little higher than mortal average for the realms. Optionally, you may influence these changes to some extent but at most a single primary stat of your choice can be peak human, while your other stats will be slightly above average for humans. If you want to, you can arrange these changes in a classic 27-point-buy system with +2 and +1 as your modifiers.

Build Guide (free) - If you have a specific character build in mind but are worrying about how to get that 2 level hexblade warlock multiclass going within the jump period, you don't need to worry anymore. During any point and period within your stay here, you can choose the path your build will take up to 20th level. Fate itself will push you towards beings and objects, which will let you accomplish your build (within reason). Eventually. Keep in mind that this only applies to your character build and not the loot you receive. You will lose this perk once you reach 20th level.

2 Hours In Character Creation (0cp, discounted) - You look like someone had spent a really long amount of time in a character creator to made you the way you look. You look 10/10 and can be described with just a single word, stunning. You look ravishing even when you are covered in gory blood and mud mixed with sh*t. You scar well too. Also, this grants you very effective endowments along with more than decent bedding skills. You haven't heard the 'Menzobarrenzan Love Trick' I assume?

Let the Gravity Do Its Work (0cp, discounted) - You excel at using gravity to deal with your enemies. Oh, this doesn't grant you any gravity manipulation skills. You become better at shoving and throwing people off from cliffs and other locations with tall heights. You get a sixth sense about how to lure an enemy close to a drop off point so that you can shove them straight to ground. Your enemies will find it hard to resist you pushing attempts, whether it be by hand or magic. And meeting the ground at fast speed deals slightly more damage to them then they should take normally. On a final note, they get none the wiser and with some guile you can pull this multiple times during the same combat. Oh, and you take no fall damage yourself as a side effect.

All 20s - Dexterity (100cp, discounted) (2000) - Your reaction time, reflexes and agility are beyond peak human. You are more dexterous than all feline species and outmaneuver and outpace an air elemental in a contest of straight up speed and mobility. You react to dangers almost instantly and have no delay time between your thoughts and actions. You can snatch a crossbow bolt from air without being a monk. Finally, not only you have all that, but you also have an excellent sense of balance and have godly parkour skills.

All 20s - Constitution (100cp, discounted) (1900) - A golem specifically built to keep guard would get tired on a contest of pure endurance with you. You have so much vitality that you can survive bleeding from multiple open wounds while you have a spear's pointy end jutting from your throat. Your survivability skills are off the charts and your wounds heal 5x their normal speed. You can hold your breath for hours and could go on for days without food and water. Poison and disease barely have an effect on you and finally you have practically limitless stamina, being immune to exhaustion.

All 20s - Wisdom (200cp) (1700) - Your wisdom is immense, and you have an unbreakable willpower. All of your five senses are boosted to be as the same power of upper tier specimens of the animal kingdom. Your decision-making capabilities are given a boost, and you almost always make the correct choice for yourself in any situation, with enough available data that is. Your insight pierces through all but the most cunning lies. With your raw wisdom, Devas may come to you seeking for advice.

Orpheus' Blessing (300cp, discounted) (1400) - You carry the blessing of the Mother Gith in your mind. Maybe you are a secret descendant of Orpheus, Prince of the Comet? Or you could be simply received the blessing by a pure chance as a result of a psychic storm in the Astral Plane? It matters not in the end. What matters is that you have it in your grasp. This is the ultimate weapon against the ghaik. This ability is so important even the immortal Vlaakith fears that if the bindings of long-lost prince were ever to be weakened, it could spell the ending of her tyranny over githyanki.

Your mind is a profound concept of pure harmony that none can influence. You are immune to all kinds of mental influences. Be it mind reading, mind detection, mental domination, mental corruption, mental afflictions, emotional manipulation, thought manipulation or psychic attacks. No power that is mental in nature can affect your mind unless you allow it. If someone were to make such an attempt on your mind, you could reflect it right back at the offender, if that is what you desire, causing them immense psychic backlash. This is the ultimate mental defense, feared by all ghaik.

Not only that but you can extend this protection to all who is within 100 meters of you. Size of this aura slowly expands with time and practice, and in time it can reach multiple kilometers even (capped at 10 km). This also grants you the side power of sensing all minds that are not invisible to detection within your aura's range. You can not only sense them, but instantly become aware of any mental influences that is placed on them and dispel it with a single thought.

Furthermore, you a continuously in a state of pure harmony in your mind. No event can phase you; no emotion may overwhelm you and no matter how bizarre of an event occurs, you'll never get caught in surprise. You are capable of rational and unobstructed thought in all situations. Your sanity is a monument that will last ages, meaning that nothing can cause you to succumb to insanity or mental disorder.

Now go forth jumper and fear not of the might of ghaik and their thralls. Your mind is a mental fortress that will never fall.

A Knave, A Wizard, Devil, Gith (free Outsider) - Your appearance or race maybe out worldly or simply different to people you encounter. There are many cases of a person being judged solely based in their looks or cultural customs. This is not the case for you anymore. No matter who you are or how do you look, people will only determine your worth by your actions and deeds. Your gender, race, culture, language, looks, affiliation and other qualities are not the basis which you are evaluated. You can extend this ability to those who stand by your side too, if you so desire.

Unshakeable Warrior (free Outsider) - Fear and doubt have hold on your heart no more jumper. You have seen too much and faced with such terrors so that your mind has become accustomed to them. No fear may grip your whether it be supernatural or normal in nature. You simply shrug it off, such is the warrior you are. Your mind is unclouded and you keep your cool even in the heat of battle.

Additionally, whenever you are faced with a difficult choice, you don't hesitate as long as it's right thing to do according to your ideology.

Among Friends (100cp, discount Outsider) (1300) - You find it easier for you to find capable people who can put your trust in. Once you seek them out, it is only a matter of time before you cross paths. They may be of different nature and beliefs, but you find it surprisingly easy to get along with them. It is as if you complete each other. Not only does this perk make you an excellent judge of character, but it also grants you all the qualifications for being a stalwart ally and a good friend. Finally, those you trust with your complete heart won't ever betray you, unless you betray them first. And even then, they may be willing to give you a second chance.

Finally, I Can See (200cp, discount Outsider) (1100) - You are staunch and resolute in your beliefs. Patriotism that is burning brightly at your heart may never be extinguished. Your ideals are your own, nothing can tempt you, corrupt your mind and disrupt sense of self or influence your ideals without your full consent. Even if you become a soulless monster, you are still you. That doesn't mean you are chained by your views though. If something such as your faith, devotion, patriotism or anything remotely close to forced fanaticism is actively causing you or your allies' distress, you instantly become aware of it. In which case you'll have no regrets or second thoughts about abandoning your path and embarking on a new one. Your world view is fluid, and your mind is open to be shaped positively by the things you experience.

This perk doesn't only work for you but allows you to influence people that walks on a path to ruin caused by blind devotion and corrupted ideals. You can plant the seed of doubt in their mind and have them second guess themselves. Essentially granting them a way out. It's up to them to follow it though. You cannot cure any trauma or help with psychological issues, but you can stop those ideals from causing more.

The One Who Sunders (200cp, discount Outsider) (900) - You are a prodigy in the art of combat. Your natural born genius extends to all things that are related to battle and war. You can use abilities at your disposal to their fullest extent and even create new and innovative uses for them, specifically designed to combat certain enemies. Be it blade or spell, your use of them makes you a nightmare for your opponents to fight. This perk doesn't grant you just the combat prowess, it also makes you a genius and experienced tactician and strategist that is capable analyzing any combat scenario and type of enemy and making the best choice to deal with them at any given time. As long as you have enough data about the scenario that is.

If you possess any abilities that differs in nature and usage, as long as they can be applied to combat, you can combine them to create new techniques and methods that have excellent synergy. This also grants you the ability to synergize your fighting style with your companions' skills, making you an excellent team fighter.

Spark of Rebellion (300cp, discount Outsider) (600) - You have the makings of a great revolutionary. Whether it be igniting the spark of defiance at the hearts of people or leading them to raise their heads against an undying tyrant, you know the best way to accomplish your goals. It all takes a single word, or an action made by you consciously to rile people up. Word will spread and people will talk, and within a short period of time you will have an army of people that have had enough marching with you. Scale of this matters not, it can be as small as riling up the slave workers in a foundry or rallying people of an interdimensional empire against their god queen, you will have your chance.

The greater the oppression of people, the greater the effect this perk has on the society as a whole, even if the oppressed people don't realize they are being exploited. They will soon learn the truth. Not only this perk gives you ability to start rebellions, but also makes the logistics of leading a rebellion much easier to manage. Arms will be found easily, provisions can be acquired, manpower will be supplied, and alliances will be made. This doesn't grant you any leadership skills by itself, but if you need a leader for the position, you can find one quite easily.

Wonder If The Gods Are Watching (600cp) (0) - Oh boy, they are watching… metaphorically of course. You have an absurd amount of luck, as if you are a dungeon master's favorite character and they keep fudging rolls to your advantage. Your semi-sentient luck manifests in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: enemies missing you with a lethal attack, you finding the weak spot on an opponent's armor, you stumbling upon a password a safe whose contents would benefit you greatly, finding a great artifact within a chest or even getting boons that would be of tremendous help to you. You seldom encounter bad luck and even then, it is for your benefit down the line. This doesn't only include you; it even extends to those whom you call allies. Additionally, your plans won't be affected by any mishaps or unfortunate circ*mstances anymore.

Your journey won't end just due to bad luck, only events or beings which are recognized by universe itself as a meaningful encounter for you could hope to put an end to your journey. Thing of it as a personal plot armor. Keep in mind that while this does give you a significant edge most scenarios, you are far from invulnerable. Enemies with great skill and cunning may still outmatch and overpower you. If you keep on relying on this luck to persevere constantly, at a crucial time it will leave you to fend for yourself, until you gain its favor back with your actions.

+500cp stipend

TTRPG Collection (free) - You get a collection of all the books and material that have ever been published by Wizards of the Coast in D&D 5e. It comes with a supply of endless quantities of dice of any design you want, battle maps, miniatures and other supplemental stuff. Enjoy the content!

RPG Media (free) - You get a collection of all games published by Larian Studios with an appropriate system to play these games on. Strangely this also includes Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 even though they were made by BioWare.

Character Sheet (free) - You get a multiple page journal that is in the format of D&D 5e character sheets that is in any style of design you want. This sheet is magical, and it displays all your stats, skills, abilities and your personal information in an easy-to-read manner. It updates with any new powers you gain over the courses of your adventure, and it even records your significant deeds. Only people you get permission can access this character sheet.

Starting Equipment (free) - You get all the starting gear appropriate for a beginner of your class of choice. A fighter may get a non-magical armor and a set of weapons of their choice, while a wizard gets an arcane focus and components along with a simple weapon. This equipment cannot be magical except spellcasting focuses. You also get a standard explorer's pack that contains some supplies that could last you for couple of days, a bag, a pouch containing a decent amount of gold, fitting traveling clothes and some camping gear like a tent and bedrolls. Consumables in this gear set are non-replenishing but your equipment will repair itself, if broken or damaged.

Supply Pack (0cp, discounted) - This traveler's backpack is filled to brim with multiple types of provisions that can feed a dozen people, if rationed well. It's generally standard bland stuff that adventurers usually consume along with occasional exotic and luxurious foods and beverages. Materials taken out of from this bag turns to dust, if not consumed within a day. At the end of each day, this backpack fully replenishes all of the provisions consumed within that period. You don't have to worry about foraging ever again.

Keychain (0cp, discounted) - This simple keychain can be attached to your belt with ease, and it weighs practically nothing. You can attach keys you own to this chain without any effort. It can't be lost, and it is fully bound to you and can't be taken from you against your will. It will magically sort itself to find anything key you need, when you need it.

Any door you open or any lock you pick, has its key copied right onto your keychain, be it artificial or magical in nature. Any lock with the same mechanism you encounter from now on can be opened by this key without causing any trouble.

Additionally, you can take out a skeleton key from this keychain once per day. This skeleton key can open any non-magical lock it is inserted into without any trouble, no matter how intricate the mechanism is. If it is a magical lock it is inserted into, it doesn't open it, but it reduces the difficulty of the lock by half. After it does its job, the key rusts and disintegrates instantly. You still get the copied key to your keychain though, if you manage to open the door.

Magical Equipment - Ring of Free Action (100cp, discounted) (400) - You have a Rare-quality Ring of Free Action, which lets you ignore the effects of difficult terrain and means you cannot be paralysed or restrained.

Volo's Ersatz Eye (100cp, discounted) (300) - After a dubious surgery concerning one of your own two eyes (you choose which one), you have unfortunately lost it permanently. But no need to fret, Volo has a perfect solution for you! Your lost eye has been replaced by a magical prosthetic that is in the shape of glass eye with a silvery iris color. This eye is capable of all the things a normal eye can do and more.

Your vision with these eyes becomes much clearer than normal sight. By closing your intact eye and focusing your vision on solely this one, you zoom in and out just as well as a telescope can do. You can see through illusions that effect only sight and detect invisible creatures that are trying to hide within your line of sight.

Told you it was better.

300cp left in item stipend for customization

General Jumpchain Thread the 13th RP (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Views: 5757

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.