King Rhaenyra I, the Dragonqueen - Chapter 106 - LuckyCheesecake - A Song of Ice and Fire (2024)

Chapter Text

Hey everyone, it’s me, Lucky.

I am very sorry to announce that I’ve made the decision to delete this fanfic.

I’ve been approached by a publisher, and have been offered a book deal for this fanfic. I’ve spent that last 3 months or so rewriting it into an original novel that I am very excited to see published soon.

(Fun fact: Bell is still named Bell, in my novel. While Daenys has been renamed back to Daisy. And all Dragonseeds will be keeping the Fyre surname)

But unfortunately, as part of the Terms and Conditions of the book deal, I must unfortunately remove this fanfic and any associated material from the internet.

I’ve dragged my feet on doing this (I was supposed to perform the deletion way back in March) but I’ve run out of excuses. This fanfic must go.

Regardless, fair is fair, which is why I’m giving this notice now.

Everyone will have two weeks starting from now (Tuesday the 4th) to download copies of this work. I humbly request that you keep any and all copies to yourself for personal enjoyment only. Sporking this fic will be considered a breach of the Ts and Cs on my part.

I will delete this work come Tuesday the 18th.

This was a decision not made lightly, and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change my mind.

And please don’t beg or threaten or ask for me to reconsider.

Do not weep, for this is not an occasion of sadness, but one of joy and celebration. My work has been deemed excellent enough to merit publishing. We’re working through drafts now, and it’s expected to come out by next year.

I’m currently debating a catchy title for the novel.

Emperor Rachel, the Dragonqueen is my favourite contender, but my publisher says that’s too close to the original. And my second choice, Lord of the Dragons was ‘just asking for a lawsuit’, apparently.

Ah well, we’ll figure something out sooner rather than later.

Thank you all for sticking by me and this shameless self-insert.


I know I promised a sequel to this work, and I am a man of my word. I’ll tell the story, albeit briefly. Here’s the summary of the sequel I had planned; King Aegon II, the Great.

Unlike King Rhaenyra, which was mostly first-person, the next one would be wholly third-person.

It would initially comprise of 50+ chapters, each and every one an individual POV of a unique character, in the style of The Victors Project or Cheating Death. This would have shown the passing of the ten years after the end of the first fanfic.

I was going to begin by crowdsourcing for new characters after I’d announced commencing the sequel, asking my readers to submit characters they created for the story. These Heroes were going to be the foremost companions of Aegon and Aemond, and would have joined them in their fight against Rhaenyra. But I digress.

Anywho, during this 50+ chapters, all of Alicent’s children would have POVs as well.

Aemond would scale the Dragonmont as a child, and claim the fearsome Cannibal as his own mount, rechristening it Dragonbane.

Aegon’s POV was going to show him being dissatisfied being only Rhaenyra’s younger brother, and setting out to become his own man.

“Just once, I want not to stand in my sister’s shadow. Just once, I want the world to know that I am more than a footnote in history. Just once, I want people to respect me for my deeds instead of my name. Just once, I want people to remember me as someone other than Rhaenyra’s younger brother.”

-Prince Aegon Targaryen, right before leaving the Red Keep for the last time.

Daeron’s POV was later, when the boy was 16. He’d have joined the Legions incognito as an enlisted conscript, Dunk and Egg style. He would rise up the ranks, be fast-tracked for officer training in Blackwater Military Academy and graduate as valedictorian.

By then, I’d have established Daeron as a foil to Aemma.

Unlike Rhaenyra’s daughter, who is staunchly religious and conservative, and opposed to any and everything Rhaenyra stands for, Daeron would be eager and willing to follow in Rhae’s footsteps. He’d learn all of Rhae’s lessons, and be the picture perfect son to her, even as Aemma had to be forced into learning self-defence and sorcery. All the while expressing contempt and disgust at Rhae’s lessons, and rebuffing her as a mother.

This comes full circle when Daeron graduates Blackwater.

In my fic, a Blackwater cadet’s parents would pin their child’s new commissioned rank onto their chests in the graduation ceremony. A similar tradition is done in Singapore’s Officer Cadet School, and it is a very riveting and emotional moment.

Daeron is by the side, expecting that as an orphan, he’d not have a parent to do that act for him. When Rhae suddenly enters the hall, and in front of the entire school, pins Daeron’s new rank onto his chest. It’s a moving moment, and Daeron breaks down and calls Rhae ‘mother’, acknowledging that Rhae is his mother. In practise if not in truth.

Meanwhile, someone points out to Aemma that she’s still Princess Aemma. Rhaenyra hasn’t performed an investiture naming her Prince of Dragonstone yet. Hinting that Rhaenyra considers Aemma an unworthy heir to the Iron Throne.

During the 10 years that passes, Rhaenyra sets up five colonies each on the foreign continents of Naeros and Sothoryos. The cities Coruscant, Typhon, Ossus, Jeddha and Arch-To on Naeros, and the cities Korriban, Ziost, Dromund Kaas, Exegol and Asog on Sothoryos. (What? I’m a Star Wars fan, deal with it)

Daenys and Rhae perform a dozen Desolations on Sothoryos to sweep the entire northern seaboard clear of any and all hostile life, tuning the ritual to not consume all life in its radius and leaving behind only stuff safe for human coexistence. The remainder of the jungle and madness is quarantined behind a massive ward that prevents the hostile wildlife from encroaching on the desolated areas.

Rhae then consumes the power created by these desolations, essentially becoming a goddess. Rising up to the same power-level as Captain Marvel. Immortal and invincible.

New Ghis is still pissed about the whole Ezraa thing, and a year or two after the first fanfic, attacks a few of the colonies in Sothoryos. In retaliation, Rhae angrily sends the Seventh, Eight, Ninth and Tenth Legions to sack New Ghis. In a show of Westerosi might, the Legions take the previously-thought impregnable city with no draconic support, and put New Ghis to the sword. Queen Zihakha is dragged out in chains, and forced to watch as her entire bloodline (except Ezraa) is fed to Vhagar one by one, with herself as the last person.

Around the same time, the Free Cities catch wind of Nordos and Naeros, and try muscle in on the whole colonisation thing, so Rhae (or more accurately Daena) kicks off a civil war between them, knocking them out of the equation for upstairs of a decade.

Going back to Aegon, after he leaves the nest for the last time, 10 years after the epilogue of the first fanfic. Aegon and Aemond go east to Essos with their dragons Sunfyre and Dragonbane. They eventually decide to start conquering, starting in Qarth and going through Slaver’s Bay, Daenerys Stormborn style.

After they conquer Slaver’s Bay, Aegon decides to conquer the whole of Essos, Alexander the Great style. He actually succeeds, after four years or so, building an empire that stretches from Braavos on the western coast, to Kaesong (not! Korea) on the east coast.

Though when Aegon tries to reconquer Valyria as his new capital, he runs into snags.

Accidentally unleashing an entire horde of twisted demons, what follows is a desperate fight for survival in the ruins of Valyria. At the head of the demon horde is a twisted monster reminiscent of the Endbringer Behemoth. Melisandre’s father, who once tried to ascend to godhood by consuming all of Valyria via Desolation, only to botch the ritual and bring about the Doom, turning into a mutated demon instead of a god.

Aegon and gang fight a losing battle against the Father-Demon, with many casualties among the Heroes. It is only when they’re on the brink of defeat that Aegon grows desperate enough to call Rhaenyra for help.

Almost immediately, Rhae portals in and kills the Father-Demon in like three seconds flat, then rewinds time to bring Aegon’s dead companions back to life, while Daena summons the Legions with her sling ring Avengers Endgame style to deal with the horde of lesser demons.

While Aegon reclaims Valyria and all its secrets, he can’t help but feel upstaged and humiliated by how easily Rhae salvaged the situation. This festers a burning hatred for Rhae in his stomach. He’d always disliked Rhae for killing Alicent, but this was personal. It was an insult to his very pride as a man.

For context, Aegon was young enough—and grew up around enough Blacks— that he can barely remember Alicent, so he doesn’t hate Rhae for killing his mother. Not truly, at least. Compare and contrast Aemond, who does remember, and does loathe Rhae for that.

Meanwhile, Aemma is increasingly disillusioned with Rhae. She despises that Rhae and Laena are openly in a romantic relationship, and thinks sorcery is heretical.

After seeing Aegon’s ‘heroic deeds’, Aemma decides to run away from home and marry him, hoping that by birthing a son with Aegon, she can supplant and replace Rhaenyra with ‘a proper man’. Or some sexist and stupid claptrap like that.

Daemon Junior stops Aemma, the night she leaves, revealing that he’s a Reincarnator as well. Specifically of Prince Daemon, whom Rhae killed oh so long ago. He asks Aemma to reconsider, warning that her path wouldn’t end well.

Aemma in turn asks that Daemon join her, as fellow victims of Rhaenyra, but Daemon is content with his lot in life, as Rhaenyra’s executioner, so he stays. Regardless, he doesn’t stop Aemma from going to the Dragonpit and stealing Vermithor, the largest dragon alive outside of Vhagar.

Aemma flies Vermithor and flies to join Aegon in Essos. She persuades Aegon to marry her, and though Aegon was initially reluctant to go to war with Rhaenyra, he’s quickly swayed around to attempting usurpation.

Rhaenyra sends a couple of threatening messages to Aemma, and does try reconcile as mother and daughter (in more than one sense of the words), but Aemma is staunchly against.

The same day Aemma announces her pregnancy, Rhae invests Daeron as the new Prince of Dragonstone and Heir to the Iron Throne, formally disowning Aemma for her actions, and calling Daeron her ‘real son’.

This precipitates a Cold War between the two Targaryen empires, with neither Rhae nor Aegon willing to break the stalemate. Deep down, Rhae still cares about them, and is sincerely hoping that she wouldn’t have to go to war. A naive thought. But family is one of ever-paranoid Rhae’s few blind spots

After Aemma gives birth to Aegon’s daughter Alicent Junior, Aegon decides that it’s time to go to war.

Rhae responds to Aegon’s declaration of war by begging him to reconsider. And when that fails, she starts threatening him.

”Do you think I’ve spent the last 15 years resting on my laurels?” The Dragonqueen asked. “Do you even know just how many continent-destroying superweapons I’ve been stockpiling for a rainy day?”

“I know you’ve got at least the one; the Desolation ritual.” Aegon replied, undeterred. “That means you’ve probably got two or three superweapons in the same weight class lying around in your vaults. However, sister, you’re the single most viciously paranoid woman to ever live. Two or three is too few for you, so I’m going to guess five or six. That seems a reasonable estimate.”

Rhaenyra let out a soft peal of laughter.

”Five or six? Oh you sweet summer child.” She sighed, almost pityingly, before the steel returned to her spine and the fire returned to her eyes. “Twenty. I have twenty continent-destroying superweapons up my sleeve, and I swear to you, here and now, that if your armies dare violate my borders or kill or maim any of my subjects or allies, I will unleash them all on you.”

She turned to face her daughter, staring Aemma straight in the eyes, indigo meeting blue.

”There will be no quarter and no mercy, should you or your husband dare raise a hand against me. I will wipe you, and your entire empire of the face of this f*cking planet, with no survivors be they elderly, women or children.” The Dragonqueen threatened. “I take no pleasure in this act, but I will see to it that you and your entire legacy is reduced to less than dust. Until a thousand years from now, children will shiver and weep when they hear of Aemma’s Folly.

”I think we’ll take our chances.” Aemma scoffed at her mother, waving her hand and terminating the glass candle connection.

With war declared, Rhaenyra orders the Dragonseeds to begin preparing for Operation Endbringer, but Daena refuses, insisting that the genocide Rhae plans is too great an escalation. She’s once sworn a vow to stop Rhaenyra if the Dragonqueen ever goes too far, and Operation Endbringer is several steps too far.

Daena makes a passionate speech, and successfully sways half the Dragonseeds into rebelling against Rhaenyra, including Shaeterys, Rhaegar and Erik. Meanwhile Bell, Daenys and Naerys and the other half of the Dragonseeds stay on Rhae’s side.

In an attempt to persuade Rhae, Daena forcefully drags her into the multiverse, bringing Rhaenyra back to Singapore (an empty copy devoid of any humans, yet the cars and buses and the city in general still runs) and trying to appeal Rhae’s conscience. Daena actually nearly succeeds by using an apparition of Rhae’s past-life daughter Yuri, but then an apparition of Rhaenyra’s past-life mother Harmony Wong appears, and coldly reminds Rhaenyra that she once swore an oath, and that she can’t piss away all of her gains and let Aegon win.

”When my father passes, I shall inherit the Iron Throne. There shall be no compromises, no negotiations, no elections and no viceroyalties. The Iron Throne will be mine, with no ifs ands or buts. Make your peace with it, for I shall not hesitate to serve fire and steel to all whom would rebel against my rule and jeopardise the safety and sanctity of the Realm, be they my friend, sibling or even my own child.”

And so, Rhaenyra firms herself up and stands back up.

This triggers a massive Captain America: Civil War style fight between loyalist and rebel factions, trashing most of Marina Bay in the process.

Rhae is a God in terms of power, but Daena has picked up countless tricks from the multiverse and is a match for the Dragonqueen.

The battle rages on, with Rhae and Daena fighting one-on-one, in the world of graves the Undying Ones once showed Daena.

It is clear neither side can triumph over the other, so the loyalist sides decides that in order to win, a few of them have to lose.

Bell, Daenys and Laena manage to distract Daena, and Rhae slips away, but not before throwing up a ward that traps everyone else, rebel and loyalist alike in the multiverse.

But Daena is cunning, and had laid a trap from the very start. Deliberately using her connection to the multiverse to distort time within from the get-go. As such, though only two hours have passed inside the multiverse, the better part of a year had gone by in the real world.

By the time Rhaenyra emerges back into reality, Aegon is on the verge of victory.

Concurrently, with the disappearance of both Rhaenyra and the Dragonseeds, Aegon’s armies make great advances.

Daeron and Helaena attempt to hold the line, and while the Legions put up impressive fights at Bloodstone, Storm’s End, Dragonstone, Gulltown and White Harbour, Aegon simply has too many men. And draconic air superiority.

Rhae returns, right as Aegon’s best troops and the bulk of the surviving Heroes makes their final assault on King’s Landing.

The Dragonqueen immediately sits on the Iron Throne, and begins using her Battle Meditation to turn the tide. She also possesses volunteer legionaries on a dozen battlefields, and though weakened while possessing another, Rhae’s power is still enough to single-handedly destroy almost anything on the other side. Flickering her main consciousness from one body to the next, and backed by her Battle Meditation, Rhae single-handedly turns the tide of every single war front in an instant.

Desperate, and losing, Aegon, Aemond and the Heroes launch an all-out assault on the Red Keep, breaching the throne room, where Daeron leads the six remaining Kingsguard in a desperate defence. The three brothers clash, in an emotional battle where both sides monologue about who’s in the right. But eventually Daeron and the Kingsguard are overwhelmed.

But before Aemond can kill Daeron, Rhaenyra rises from the Iron Throne and saves Daeron. Her son had bought her enough time to turn the tide on every single war front, and now she could devote her full attention to fighting Aegon in person.

Aegon, Aemond and the surviving Heroes (which would have all been reader-submitted badasses) would fight their hardest, but there’s no winning. Rhae slaughters them all.

With the war won, Rhae goes and captures Aemma and Alicent Junior, hiding away back in Essos.

Rhae then forces Aemma to watch as she makes good on her promise, unleashing all of her superweapons on the Free Cities.

1) Lorath is vaporised in a massive megaton-scale nuclear explosion.

2) A fleet of zeppelins breach the Mists of Braavos and unload a bombing run of captured White Walkers, trapped in bubbles of frozen time.

3) Pentos is destroyed by a colossal cyclone, with chlorine gas laced into the building-shredding winds.

4) Myr is reduced to rubble by cannons and gunfire by the Legions.

5) Children of the Forest working for Rhaenyra unleash the Hammer of the Waters, drowning Tyrosh beneath the waves.

6) Lys is frozen over, with every single person and even the sea frozen, in a grand self-sustaining and self-expanding ritual that devours the heat energy in an area and uses the same energy to grow and expand.

7) Giant javelins made from Tungsten alloyed with Valyrian steel fall from the sky above Norvos, magically created ‘rods from god’ that unleash megatons of hyperkinetic energy, pulverising the city and the surrounding mountains.

8) Qohor is firebombed with the most vicious and volatile wildfire brews in existence. Demons and devils of flame that only ever grew in number and viciousness as they consumed fuel.

9) The Children of the Forest tap into the Rhoyne, causing it to turn to mist and sweep over Volantis, breaching even the Black walls and the red temple. Anyone who touches the mist gets greyscale, the curse of Garin.

By the end of the day, there are no living souls left in the Free Cities. But Rhae isn’t done yet. Using the hundreds of thousands of deaths her superweapons have caused through the Free Cities, Rhae unleashes the largest Desolation ever seen, and scours the entire continent of Essos clean of all human life, save for her own Legions. The ritual was tuned specifically to consume only human life, leaving all the flora and fauna intact. But Rhae has still killed millions, tens of millions.

As promised, Rhae had destroyed Aegon and Aemma’s empire, with not even dust left.

”When my father passes, I shall inherit the Iron Throne. There shall be no compromises, no negotiations, no elections and no viceroyalties. The Iron Throne will be mine, with no ifs ands or buts. Make your peace with it, for I shall not hesitate to serve fire and steel to all whom would rebel against my rule and jeopardise the safety and sanctity of the Realm, be they my friend, sibling or even my own child.”

Rhae quotes that one last time. Then she executes Aemma, deliberately destroying the soul to prevent Aemma from ever reincarnating again.

Aemma’s Folly is complete.

Daena and the rest of the Dragonseeds pop out of the multiverse around then, too late to stop Rhae. Seeing the new power-up Rhae got from the latest and greatest Desolation, Daena realises she’s outmatched and surrenders peacefully to Rhae.

Rhae spares the rebelling Dragonseeds, and forgives them for their actions.

In the epilogue, Helaena becomes the new Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, replacing Shaeterys. He’d been demoted from Vice-King as part of his role in the rebellion.

Rhaenyra makes another State of the Union speech, where she praises how United Kingdoms of Westeros has claimed the empty Essos for themselves. Most of the remaining countries in the world, including the Shogunates of Ulthos, have knelt and recognised the Iron Throne as overlord, cowed by their display of power during Aemma’s Folly.

Daena as envoy is negotiating with the tribes of the far continent of Faeros (not! Australia), and is confident that she can bring them into the United Kingdoms’ fold.

Meanwhile, Alicent Junior has been promised to the toddler great-grandson of the King in the New North, to unify the two bloodlines and kingdoms as one.

With all seven continents soon to fall under the Iron Throne, Rhaenyra proudly declares that they’ve succeeded in uniting essentially all of Planetos under a single banner, reorganising the United Kingdoms of Westeros into the Targaryen Planetary Empire

The second epilogue takes place much much later, after Rhaenyra has ruled for a century. (She’s still the same age— 18— as the Desolations have granted her immortality)

After 100 years, Rhae has finally decided to step down as King and retire. She recaps all the great deeds the Targaryen Planetary Empire has done during her reign.

Electricity, healthcare, human rights, suffrage, launching satellites, putting men on the moon… Long story short, life on Planetos is now comparable to modern-day Earth.

She fondly reminisces a bit, then reiterates the need to step down and pass things on to the next generation.

Rhae then crowns her great-grandson Viserys II (Alicent Junior’s son) the new King, and leaves with Laena (also ageless and immortal).

The couple head to the House of the Undying, and enter, hand-in-hand for their next great adventure together.

The End.

King Rhaenyra I, the Dragonqueen - Chapter 106 - LuckyCheesecake - A Song of Ice and Fire (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.